Stay Connected

Staying in Touch With Your Camper

Sending and receiving mail at camp is a time-honored tradition. We encourage campers to write home at least once a week, and encourage campers to share their camp address with friends and family so they can stay connected during their time at camp.

If you don’t hear from your camper, or if you receive a sad or unhappy letter, please let us know.

Phone & Email

Phone service at camp is limited to one business/emergency line at each camp.

  • 719.748.3341 at Big Spring Ranch for Boys
  • 719.748.3451 at High Trails Ranch for Girls.

Directors welcome calls but may not be available immediately. They will return calls in a timely manner. We regret that we cannot call campers or staff to the phone. In case of an emergency, please contact the director who will work with you to determine the next steps. They are also happy to receive and respond to e-mails!