
The forests, rocky bluffs and open meadows of High Trails provide an ideal environment for explorations into the natural world. Our entire program is based on living within nature and gaining appreciation and understanding for the Earth and its inhabitants. Every trip, hike and horseback ride includes many opportunities to enjoy the color of wildflowers, hear the rustle of the aspen leaves, find a special spot, or watch a deer resting in the shade.

Our area is rich in exciting prospecting sites and budding geologists will want to leave no stone unturned. Dig for leaf and insect fossils, discover quartz crystals, visit a gold mine, or explore historic mining areas in the high mountains.

Lots of fun activities take place at the Interbarn, our unique natural science center. Here you’ll find microscopes, rock and insect collections, aquariums, and special displays which explore the interconnections and wonders of the Earth.

At night, the brilliance of the stars in our clear mountain skies is awe-inspiring. In addition to learning the constellations and counting shooting stars, you can look at the rings of Saturn or the craters of the Moon through one of our telescopes.