Special Events

Special Events and Evening Programs provide some of the most memorable times at camp. The boys enjoy getting together with the entire camp for campfires, skit nights, talent shows, games nights, the Adventure Race and more. One favorite evening program is the Counselor Hunt where the staff hide in the immediate camp area and the campers try to find as many of them as possible.

Everyone looks forward to our Vespers Service each Sunday evening. Everyone walks to our special “Sunday Rocks” site, where we sing, read quotes, and enjoy the sunset together. The services are non-denominational and focus on topics like friendship, adventure, and the beauty of nature.

On Saturdays, High Trails and Big Spring come together for a special event which may be a Carnival, Country Fair, our Gymkhana/Rodeo or other themed activities. Many campers also enjoy our “Hike the Pike” event where they may choose to hike up to 6 miles in order to raise money for a charity the camp donates to. Saturday evening often ends with an exceptionally fun themed dance.