

Sanborn Junior boys live in one of two bunkhouses at Big Spring. Each bunkhouse has two dorm rooms and attached bathroom facilities. Sanborn Junior girls live in a cabin at High Trails. Each modern cabin has a full bath and a living room with a moss-rock fireplace.

Other Facilities

Sanborn Junior campers eat meals in the lodge-dining halls at Big Spring and High Trails and use all of the facilities available at the camps including the swimming pools, stables and riding arenas, tennis courts, crafts buildings, archery ranges, and recreation halls. If medical attention is needed, they visit one of the R.N.s who live in the health centers located at Big Spring and High Trails.


Sanborn Junior campers take advantage of the camps’ 6,000 acres in many ways. They hike and ride through the spectacular mountain meadows, forests, and aspen groves. They camp at some of the 30 developed spring tanks on the property, and fish at the stocked fishing ponds. The Junior program also includes half-day and all-day trips to the camps’ special learning centers –the Quick Homestead, the Witcher Ranch, the Tipi Village, and the Interbarn.