
Dozens of exciting half-day and all-day hikes are available on our beautiful property, and Big Spring campers have many opportunities to explore the natural world on hikes to Top of the World, Maze Caves, Fish Creek, Antelope Ridge, the Witcher Ranch, Lost Lake and many other intriguing destinations.

We also have many rocky bluffs and granite outcroppings which provide fun rock-scrambling adventures—A Bluff, B Bluff, Three Bears, and Witcher Rocks are just a few of the destinations for half-day and all-day rock scrambling excursions.

Enthusiastic hikers may want to keep track of the miles they hike over the term and join the 30-mile, 50-mile, or even 100-mile clubs. And, as an ultimate hiking challenge, those who wish can sign up for a “Bomber Hike” where you cover up-to-15 miles in one long day on the trail.