High Trails Staff 2017
JUNIPER WEST Morgan Kelly, Counselor (bottom right) Greetings and salutations all, my name is Morgan Kelly and this is my first summer at Sanborn. I’m...
JUNIPER WEST Morgan Kelly, Counselor (bottom right) Greetings and salutations all, my name is Morgan Kelly and this is my first summer at Sanborn. I’m...
As parents (and, perhaps, former campers ourselves), we have so many expectations for our own child’s camp experience. Thus, if we receive a sad lette...
Trees blurring past, the thunder of hooves. I held tight to the reins, remembering to keep my heels down. Fourteen hundred pounds of power galloping...
There are so many magnificent things about summer camp, and for me one of the greatest of them is the opportunity to sit around a campfire. Not a gas...